Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Conflicting plans

They are old and worn out. They want to live their rest of their lives with their son, now that they feel that there is nothing in the world other than their son. The son's work involves travelling. And ...


Miya said...

Well they should just make the most of their son's homecomings; after all absence does make the heart grow fonder AND too much of a good thing ends up bad :-)

T.Padmhasini said...

Its the roots that is to be blammed. India is to be appreciated for the parenthood and the sacrifices involved. But bird has to fly out once grown. Its time the parents think about the life after 45 in terms of constructive occupation which keeps them active and independent, more understanding and flow with the time and its essential changes.

T.Padmhasini said...

Lavanya you really trigger very good thoughts da.