Monday, August 01, 2005


I wanted to be out during the night; but had the fear of the dark; until I looked up at the sky and tried to locate the constellations : Corona Borealis, Bootes, Cygnus, Lyra, Orion('s belt), to name a few. We moved to a place more dark to see the milky way, and located other constellations : Aquarius, Libra, Herculus, Leo, Ursa Major, Ursa Minor; admist lots of other stars - Twinkle, twinkle little stars that are million years old!.


TJ said...

Twinkle stars, million years old, and what we see today is a graph of the stars taken years ago!!

Kasthuri said...

Isn't it so wonderful that our eyes are able to penitrate the time bounds ?

Random Access said...

I love stars...they really make us admire the beauty of the night and gives us a sense of awe that nothing else can...really too good...

Random Access
The search has just begun !!!

Anonymous said...

hi i wa swondering one night which direction to find ursa minor anad i got lost.can you tell me which way to look if i want to find it?

Lavanya said...

Hi Anonymous,
The direction in which you can find a constellation depends on from the place you are looking from and the time of the year. Can you let me know from which city you want to locate?